Monday, March 30, 2009


I need to do this for me and for the kids. Maybe it will help me deal with the grief that I am feeling each day now.

I love him, love him with every inch of my being. And how is this so when he continues to dislike me? He once loved me the same way, and now it is hate that I feel when he looks at me or talks to me, how, how did this all happen? I want to go back in time, PLEASE somebody let me go back and do some things over. He says he can't get over the past, and my words come back to him now all the time, things I have said that hurt him to the core. Did I mean them, no, did I say them in anger, yes. Again do I regret, yes. Does he regret any of the things he has said or done to me, no, I do not think he does.

We loved, we married, we had three wonderful children, we have gone through rough times, hasn't everybody? I want to get through this, get past, get on, be with him again, feel his arms around me, talk to me again, be us again.